Electro-mechanical barriers
A set of quick electro-mechanical barriers for intense operation with an arm of 4.25m (6.25m). The barrier is designed for private, public or industrial entrances. The speed of elevation and sensitivity of anti-collision appliance can be set fluently. The barrier case is made of galvanized steel with a komaxite coat.
- simple connection and setting of control unit
- simple installation – the arm can be fitted to the right or left
- fluently adjustable stop positions – deceleration before ending the maneuver
- intelligent adjustable reverse for contact with obstacles
- operation even during blackouts thanks to internal backup batteries (optional accessory)
- optional LED signal lights and impact bar directly onto the arm installation (optional accessory)
- long lifespan and low consumption level of LED technology for high luminosity and flawless operation
- illumination under all weather conditions
- optional traffic light control function for one or two way traffic
- unblocking system with simple operation and effective protection for manual operation during blackouts
- opening and closing speed 2.5 – 3.5 sec
- contains a control unit
- a concrete anchorage plate
- manual unblocking with a key during blackouts
- optional backup with PS224 accumulator
- functions housing block, advance blinking, close right behind the photocell,etc.
Technical specifications
- power voltage 230V AC
- motor power 24V DC
- current 1,3 A for 230V AC
- nominal motor current 12A
- nominal motor performance 300W
- working cycle 80%
- reduction ratio 1/241
- momentum 200 N/m
- weight 50 kg
- operation temperature‐20 to +50 degrees C
- maximal electricity consumption for the voltage of 24V DC 200 mA
Accessories to the barrier
- remote control receiver SMXI
- remote control FLO2R
- warning lamp
- photocells BF
RON Software, spol. s r.o., Rudé armády 2001, 733 01 Karviná-Hranice / tel.: +420 595 538 200 / e-mail: software@ron.cz / GPS: N 49.871959, E 18.54887
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