Human resources management

A large part of the software system MZDYPROFI is dedicated to HR managers; it provides support to personnel registry and administration. The software supports the planning of required numbers of employees in a given time, hiring, training and education planning, the creation of the organizational structure of the company, the distribution of employees within these structures and requirements for individual workplaces, including career advancement management for individual employees.

Personnel lists of employees

The personnel lists are divided into two sections according to their focus. The first part contains lists interconnected with the wage data and the second contains lists with no link to the wage data. The lists enable:


  • health insurance companies, account numbers for insurance payment, account numbers for accounting, etc. to be registered characteristics and requirements for specific types of work positions against which the data in the file of the employee are compared – or the minimal experience, education, knowledge, etc. to be entered
  • training sites description – address, equipment, capacity, etc.
  • training types – here the validity period is determined; together with training sites this enables the register of training offers to be managed
  • types of education
  • types and levels of knowledge
  • building types hierarchy
  • lists of buildings and rooms including the address, capacity and equipment, basic relations between buildings to be determined; this is done by defining the type of a building.

Organization structures

Organization structures bring significant support to the systematization of working positions through the graphic presentation of relations between individual elements (centres, buildings, etc.)

Employees in the centres

This is a unification of data on centres and employees. The structure of centres forms a basis for this chart. For each centre a list of employees working in the given centre in the given time period is included in the chart. A personal number, name, surname and date of employment in the given centre (this represents the validity period for salary assessment) are written for each employee. This date changes when the employee is transferred to another centre. For the purpose of transferring the employee is put to the center we wish to transfer him/her to within the software.

Employees on working positions

This chart is created by the unification of centres and comprises of information regarding working positions, buildings and employees. In fact, this information represents the working positions of specific employees as well as a general overview of employees within individual buildings.

Working positions

HR planning procedures require an exact number of employees in a given time with a determination of an organizational unit. To ensure these company requirements, specific working positions have to be created with the help of this list. Together with graphical lists determining the hierarchy of the centres, buildings and work position types, this list enables us to acquire an exact company structure model. By comparing the model with the actual state of matters, the company can get an overview if the company requires it. 


We specialise in the development and sale of information systems for HR departments. With your products, the HR manager gains a high ...



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Our e-shop offers a selection of components for attendance and access systems and special offers for complex attendance systems.  ...


Services / Outsourcing

We perform complex delivery of our systems including analysis, installation, implementation and user training. 



RON Software, spol. s r.o., Rudé armády 2001, 733 01 Karviná-Hranice / tel.: +420 595 538 200  / e-mail: / GPS: N 49.871959, E 18.54887