The VÝROBA module is used for software (offline) manufacturing monitoring, for data export to the subordinate system, for comparing working hours according to the real attendance with manufacturing, and for creating manager sets for various overviews, etc.
The module contains a commission register which enables division according to type, activities register and their characteristics. For instance, benefits for work in a difficult environment can be calculated automatically according to the defined activity. Furthermore, a register of products and commissions is available. Lists of activities performed within a selected commission can be defined in advance.
The following items can be registered in the VÝROBA module
- person
- day
- activity
- product (code, description)
- commission (number of commission, description)
- wage center (code, description)
- hours (overall hours spent on the given activity within the production of a product or within an activity, the time period from - to cannot be monitored)
- numbers of good
- numbers of bad
- bonuses
Outputs and exports
- data export into a superordinate system in txt format
- user sets for various overviews
- comparison of manufacturing – worked hours – with the real attendance – hours according to attendance
- filters according to user-defined field (only person, only product, only activity, only division – Group including subordinate divisions, only time-period/only day, only commission)
RON Software, spol. s r.o., Rudé armády 2001, 733 01 Karviná-Hranice / tel.: +420 595 538 200 / e-mail: / GPS: N 49.871959, E 18.54887
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