Health check

The software enables the possibility to define obligatory an obligation to go through health checks for employees. These health checks can be regular (with the option to set a time interval for repetition) or a one off (for example, the entry health check).

An obligation to go for a health check can be defined in two ways:


  • According to the working position (for a group of people) – a list of required health checks is defined for a given job. Subsequently, all employees working on that position have to go through the defined health check.
  • individually – a health check defined as periodical becomes compulsory for a given employee at the moment of having it and according to the set time period of validity of the given type of health check it is necessary to go for the health check again.


A tool is created within the software – a special form enabling the comprehensive monitoring of validity (or the end of validity) of employees´ health checks.

The following functionality is implemented within the form:


  • simple filter of employees list, dates of heath check validity end, health check types, etc.
  • entering health checks collectively or for individual employees
  • sending invitations – selected employees can receive an information e-mail about the necessity to go for a health check within a given time-period.


Clear information on compulsory health checks and on the history of health checks attended by a given employee can be found within the file of the given employee.


Přehled povinných zdravotních prohlídek
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RON Software, spol. s r.o., Rudé armády 2001, 733 01 Karviná-Hranice / tel.: +420 595 538 200  / e-mail: / GPS: N 49.871959, E 18.54887